
Connecting the Red Alert Branch to the Tiberian Branch

The first point of divergence in the Command & Conquer universe occurs due to the assassination of Adolf Hitler by Albert Einstein when the latter constructs a time machine, travelling back in time. Subsequently, World War II as we know it is averted. Apparently, a series of military dictatorships or at the very least militaristic…

Biopower Corporations

In Final Fantasy VII, the Shinra Electric Power Company appears, while in Blame!, the Bio-Electric Corporation appears. The Shinra Electric Power Company’s full name in Japanese is 神羅電気動力株式会社 (Shinra Denki Dōryoku Kabushiki-gaisha), in which 株式会社 (kabushiki-gaisha) expresses the type of corporation that it is: a publicly traded company; kabushiki-gaisha is a legal definition particular to…


IG, the esoteric refuge of →Breakaway Civilization; possibly of →Jews in Space, exiling from Earthly anti-semitism. Space colonization is expensive; it would be rich entrepreneurs, owners, investors. Mostly analogous to ジオン公国 of Gundam; an analogy of the story of ジオン・ズム・ダイクン could be adapted to form the transition from イーロン・マスク to the “evil corporate” types. The…


City on the lower reaches of the Euphrates in Mesopotamia; capital of a city-state between the 19th and 16th centuries BC; afterwards, the city came to be controlled by a succession of empires. Mostly known through the biblical narration of the Tower of Babel. Etym. of the city’s name is “bab-ilim”, “gate of the gods”.…


Titled Eigenstate; the mammoth city of an utopian corporate city-state ruled not by law and society, but by economy and money. On the surface, it appears to be an utopian dream, with it’s inhabitants living in palace-like apartments built of cement and glass, enjoying perpetual happiness without ever having to get their hands dirty with…


Title of Metropolis; in physics, an Eigenstate is a well-defined non-superpositionary state, free of quantum uncertainty, of an observable. Thus, it juxtaposes the orderly city to the disorder outside. But here, there is an issue with thermodynamics; if life is chaos and life is used as the source of energy to maintain order… cf. “Now…

Dimensional Corridor

次元回廊; reference to a level in La-Mulana. As a proper name, “Dimensional Corridor” (or “Ultradimensional Corridor”) is used for the →Anomaly in →Lingbei. According to the Minovsky Conspiracy of NationStates, the “anomaly” is located in Mongolia, leading to the Soviet invasion of the country. In His Dark Materials, in Lyra’s world, the portal through which…

Minovsky Conspiracy

This would more accurately be called the “Minovsky Conspiracy Theory”; states that the →Soviet Invasion of Mongolia was carried out in order to gain access to a hypothetical particle physics →Anomaly. It’s a reference to the Minovsky Conspiracy of NationStates. This, in turn, is a reference to “Minovsky Physics” from Gundam franchise. The conspiracy itself,…


This is supposed to provide an overview over the various references, allusions and terms that have popped up in the campaign and have not gotten a satisfactory explanation, or one that is easily forgotten. Some of these are from transcripts, others I’ve looked up. I can’t guarantee the accuracy of any information provided. Quotes “見微知著”:…


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