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Connecting the Red Alert Branch to the Tiberian Branch

The first point of divergence in the Command & Conquer universe occurs due to the assassination of Adolf Hitler by Albert Einstein when the latter constructs a time machine, travelling back in time. Subsequently, World War II as we know it is averted. Apparently, a series of military dictatorships or at the very least militaristic…

Biopower Corporations

In Final Fantasy VII, the Shinra Electric Power Company appears, while in Blame!, the Bio-Electric Corporation appears. The Shinra Electric Power Company’s full name in Japanese is 神羅電気動力株式会社 (Shinra Denki Dōryoku Kabushiki-gaisha), in which 株式会社 (kabushiki-gaisha) expresses the type of corporation that it is: a publicly traded company; kabushiki-gaisha is a legal definition particular to…

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